The You Tomorrow

The You Tomorrow

We were coerced, were we not, into leaving our mothers womb. We wept. We fought. We struggled to remain. We were coerced into leaving our mothers teat. (For some of us, first day at school was a nightmare.) Puberty. Somehow, we find it so hard to believe that we are to change to become who we are destined to be. Could it be that our enmity with God, with our creator, is in our resistance to change? We do not know what or how we came alive in the womb, or why we must leave, or why we must stop suckling. We knew nothing –except the safety of what we already possessed. However meager and scanty and short-lived that possession would have been. We know now that the womb would have been our death had we not changed. We know now that the teat would have killed us had we not changed. We know now that school was the best thing that ever happened to us. We know now that puberty was our gate to adulthood. We’re adults now, yet somehow many of us, have reached the mindset we possessed in the womb. Our careers, our money, our relationships, our will, focus, aspiration, we need to retain all of this, as it was yesterday, and feed of it. This is our life, and we want to cling to it. This is our womb. As we grow, perhaps the agents of growth, of creation, decrease their spoon-feeding. Could it be that we’re now expected to embrace this change independently? Coaching is the adult method of weaning us away from yesterday’s success to tomorrows sustainability. We needed teachers. We needed trainers, experts, consultants, mentors, gurus et al. We needed them and perhaps we will need them again. All these impart their knowledge and we’re the lucky beneficiaries. Success though came to us not in parroting. It cannot come to us because we ape. Success came to us in learning to express and manage our individuality. Science, or all the facts that man knows of, tells us what we should be. How we must act and govern ourselves. Art waits for our creation.Life is expectant. Creation waits for our making out of nothing, something. Love is not a science.Relationships don’t last on fact. Clerks don’t have careers. Life taught us early about miscarriage. It taught us well that we could be still born. It taught us that we all could die before we had a chance to grow. Find your coach today. We all need help with our weaning.
